Release date: 20. September 2023
First things first¶
When upgrading REGIO.cloud, we had problems with Neutron interacting with Nova when
upgrading OVN. The Neutron metadata agents were all UP
but not ALIVE
. In the Nova
logs we saw failed port bindings when creating instances. A restart of nova_compute
and ovn_controller
on the compute nodes followed by a restart of
a few minutes later solved the problem.
Both on REGIO.cloud and on the SCS environment at Plusserver there were problems in the
interaction of Octavia with Neutron.
octavia.network.base.PlugVIPException: Bad port request: A virtual logical switch port cannot be bound to a host.
A hoffix was added to the Neutron code which is currently already usable through the
following change in environments/kolla/images.yml
. A stable image will soon be
neutron_server_image_full: quay.io/osism/neutron-server:2023.1
General notes¶
OpenStack 2023.1 (Antelope) is the OpenStack release that is used.
Ceph Quincy is the Ceph release that is used.
OVN and OVS are built from source and no longer installed via packages.
There are NG playbooks for the first services that automatically recognise the state of a service. This means that it is no longer necessary to explicitly specify the action to be performed. At the moment, these playbooks are available for MariaDB (
) and RabbitMQ (rabbitmq-ng
).The OpenStack resource manager is a new tool for managing resources such as amphorae.
The OpenStack flavor manager is a new tool for managing OpenStack flavors (instance types). In the OSISM CLI, it can be used via
manage flavors
.It is possible to deploy a Kubernetes cluster on the management plane with K3s. In the future, this will be used to include the control plane for Cluster API and to deploy additional services close to the control and management plane. This is already possible in the testbed as well as in the Cloud in a Box.
Everything is prepared for pulp to be built as a central service for environments with air gap requirements.
IPv6 is now completely supported.
The SCS metering service is now deployable via
The Terraform definitions previously included directly in the repository have been moved to a separate repository (osism/terraform-base).
The SCS metering service is now deployed in the testbed.
Keycloak/Keystone integration has been further improved.
Refstack is now testing Guideline 2022.11 in the CI.
The manager is used as a central proxy to test the Air Gap mechanism.
The stability of the deployments has been significantly improved.
Services that are no longer needed have been removed (virtualbmc, nexus).
The documentation has been completely revised and is now available here: https://osism.tech/docs/advanced-guides/testbed
Cloud in a Box¶
There are now two types of Cloud in a Box:
The sandbox type is intended for developers and demonstrations. A full OSISM installation is one there which also includes Ceph and OpenSearch, for example. In the course of the installation, necessary images, networks, etc. are also created.
The edge type is intended to be deployed as an appliance to provide an edge cloud on a single node. Compared to the sandbox, certain services are not provided there or are implemented differently. For example, OpenSearch is not deployed because the logs are delivered to a central location. The storage backend will also be implemented differently there in the future instead of Ceph.
The Ceph failure domain has been changed from hosts to devices. This means that errors no longer occur when the system is rebooted.
Swift is now available as an endpoint. This means that Object Storage can also be used.
The SCS Flavors have been updated to the current SCS standard.
For Octavia, the Amphora Driver is now used instead of the OVN plugin as long as the Octavia OVN driver is feature complete to Octavia amphora driver.
The documentation has been completely revised and is now available here: https://osism.tech/docs/advanced-guides/cloud-in-a-box
It is again noted that the old scripts of the form
will be removed in the future. A note has been added to the scripts showing this when they are executed.The following services are deprecated and will be removed with OSISM 6.1.0.
Patchman (including the client)
The Mitogen plugin for Ansible is no longer really maintained in upstrean. It no longer works with the current Ansible versions. Therefore, it will be removed again with OSISM 6.1.0.
Our storage systems on which minio.services.osism.tech and harbor.services.osism.tech are currently provided will no longer be available in the future. The artefacts were moved to other systems. Container images can be pulled via Quay.io. Everything that was previously provided via MiniO will in future be provided on the REGIO.cloud infrastructure. The links in all README files etc. have already been changed. The shutdown of the systems will take place on 20 October.
The so far unused OPA integration in
has been removed.The so far unused Zum integration in
has been removed as Zun is currently unusable as a service.
Ansible Lint is applied to all Ansible playbooks and roles.
Container files were optimised through the use of EOF and multistage builds.
Python code is now tested with MyPy.
A majority of the CI jobs were switched from Github Actions to Zuul.
Upgrade notes¶
In the Kolla environment, you now have to work with ansible_facts to access the facts from other hosts via the host vars.
No longer works (old way): hostvars[host]['ansible_' + hostvars[host]['storage_interface']] New way: hostvars[host]['ansible_facts'][hostvars[host]['storage_interface']]
Known issues¶
The Mitogen plugin no longer works with the current Ansible versions. The plugin is deprecated (see Deprecations) and will be removed in the future.
Refstack 2022.11 results
2023-09-20 08:35:40.457470 | orchestrator | ====== 2023-09-20 08:35:40.457489 | orchestrator | Totals 2023-09-20 08:35:40.457494 | orchestrator | ====== 2023-09-20 08:35:40.457498 | orchestrator | Ran: 299 tests in 1785.1180 sec. 2023-09-20 08:35:40.457502 | orchestrator | - Passed: 294 2023-09-20 08:35:40.457506 | orchestrator | - Skipped: 5 2023-09-20 08:35:40.457510 | orchestrator | - Expected Fail: 0 2023-09-20 08:35:40.457514 | orchestrator | - Unexpected Success: 0 2023-09-20 08:35:40.457518 | orchestrator | - Failed: 0 2023-09-20 08:35:40.457522 | orchestrator | Sum of execute time for each test: 1300.8936 sec.
service |
version |
aodh |
16.0.1 |
barbican |
16.0.1 |
bifrost |
16.1.1 |
ceilometer |
20.0.1 |
cinder |
22.1.1 |
cloudkitty |
18.0.1 |
cron |
3.0 |
designate |
16.0.2 |
dnsmasq |
2.86 |
fluentd |
4.5.1 |
glance |
26.0.0 |
gnocchi |
4.6.1 |
grafana |
10.1.2 |
haproxy |
2.4.22 |
heat |
20.0.1 |
horizon |
23.1.1 |
ironic |
21.4.1 |
ironic_inspector |
11.4.1 |
iscsid |
2.1.5 |
keepalived |
2.2.4 |
keystone |
23.0.1 |
kolla-toolbox |
16.1.1 |
kolla_toolbox |
16.1.1 |
kuryr |
11.0.0 |
magnum |
16.0.2 |
manila |
16.0.1 |
mariadb |
10.6.15 |
memcached |
1.6.14 |
mistral |
16.0.0 |
multipathd |
0.8.8 |
neutron |
22.0.3 |
nova |
27.1.1 |
nova_libvirt |
8.0.0 |
octavia |
12.0.1 |
opensearch |
2.9.0 |
opensearch_dashboards |
2.9.0 |
openvswitch |
3.1.2 |
ovn |
23.6.1 |
placement |
9.0.0 |
prometheus |
2.38.0 |
prometheus_alertmanager |
0.24.0 |
prometheus_blackbox_exporter |
0.22.0 |
prometheus_cadvisor |
0.45.0 |
prometheus_elasticsearch_exporter |
1.5.0 |
prometheus_haproxy_exporter |
0.13.0 |
prometheus_libvirt_exporter |
6.0.0 |
prometheus_memcached_exporter |
0.10.0 |
prometheus_msteams |
1.5.1 |
prometheus_mtail |
3.0.0 |
prometheus_mysqld_exporter |
0.14.0 |
prometheus_node_exporter |
1.4.0 |
prometheus_openstack_exporter |
6.0.0 |
rabbitmq |
3.11.23 |
redis |
6.0.16 |
senlin |
15.0.0 |
skyline |
2.0.1 |
swift |
2.31.2 |
tgtd |
1.0.80 |
OpenStack 2023.1 press announcement: https://www.openstack.org/software/antelope/
OpenStack 2023.1 release notes:
Barbican: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/barbican/2023.1.html
Ceilometer: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/ceilometer/2023.1.html
Cinder: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/cinder/2023.1.html
Cloudkitty: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/cloudkitty/2023.1.html
Designate: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/designate/2023.1.html
Glance: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/glance/2023.1.html
Heat: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/heat/2023.1.html
Horizon: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/horizon/2023.1.html
Ironic: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/ironic/2023.1.html
Keystone: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/keystone/2023.1.html
Manila: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/manila/2023.1.html
Neutron: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/neutron/2023.1.html
Nova: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/nova/2023.1.html
Octavia: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/octavia/2023.1.html
Placement: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/placement/2023.1.html
Senlin: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/senlin/2023.1.html
Skyline: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/skyline-apiserver/2023.1.html, https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/skyline-console/2023.1.html
The changes to the OpenStack branches stable/2023.1
are only listed from
the first minor release of OSISM 6.