
Release date: 29. November 2023

This is a maintenance update for the manager. The service images will not change. These will only be updated in December with the release of OSISM 6.1.0.

It is sufficient to update the manager from 6.0.0 or 6.0.1 to 6.0.2. No further upgrades of other services are required with this release.

Anyone still using /etc/interfaces for their network configuration must now explicitly set network_type: interfaces. The default in Ubuntu has been Netplan for a long time and the default has now been adjusted in osism.commons.network. As a result, it is no longer necessary to explicitly set network_type: netplan in the configuration repository.

As a new feature, the inventory reconciler now automatically calculates the value for ceph_rgw_hosts and cephclient_mons. This means that these parameters can be removed from the configuration repository in future.

The transfer of outputs from running Ansible playbooks on the workers has been changed from Redis Pub/Sub to Redis Streams. This should make the transfer of outputs much more stable.

From now on it is sufficient to adjust the manager_version in environments/manager/configuration.yml and then execute gilt overlay. It is no longer necessary to specify the version with MANAGER_VERSION.

The error logs of Ansible services and inventory reconciler have been significantly improved

A detailed list of the changes will be added here when the script for reading the new Reno relesenotes in the individual repositories is ready.